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Do I Need a Parenting Coordinator in My Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on July 19,2024 in Child Custody

Schaumburg, IL parenting plan attorneyParenting a child after divorce can be difficult. Custody schedules, decision-making, and emotional adjustments are just a few of the issues that parents and children must deal with after divorce. Some of these are addressed in the parenting plan, a document every divorcing parent must submit to the court for approval. A parenting plan tells the court how you plan to co-parent. This includes how you will make decisions about the child and how the parents will divide parenting time, also known as physical custody.

One of the biggest challenges with post-divorce parenting can be communication with your ex-spouse. This is especially true if poor communication was the reason the marriage broke down in the first place. A communication deficiency can make it very difficult for the parents to adhere to the parenting plan, which is likely to affect the child negatively.

That is why some parents work with a parenting coordinator. This article will discuss what a parenting coordinator does and when one may be necessary. Contact an Illinois child custody lawyer with any questions about parenting coordination or parenting plans.

What Is Parenting Coordination?

Parenting coordination is a form of alternative dispute resolution, which means it is a way for parties to resolve disagreements outside of court. A parenting coordinator is a neutral party who helps divorcing or divorced parents stick to the parenting plan and work out their parenting disagreements without waging a court battle. Parents may hire a parenting coordinator on their own or a court may appoint one if a judge feels it is necessary. 

A parenting coordinator tries to:

  • Help both parents understand and comply with the parenting plan

  • Guide the parents toward better communication between each other and the child

  • Educate the parents on how to identify and meet their child’s needs

  • Identify common ground and help both parents reach a compromise

  • Provide strategies and tools for the parents to resolve future conflicts involving the child

What Does a Parenting Coordinator Do?

Illinois Supreme Court Rule 909 sets out five possible responsibilities that a parenting coordinator may have in a given case:

  • Monitor each parent’s compliance with court orders and/or the parenting plan

  • Mediate between the parents and recommend solutions 

  • Provide the parents with resources and tools for communication and conflict resolution

  • Record any instances of noncompliance with court orders or the parenting plan

  • Make recommendations to the court

A parenting coordinator may do some or all of these things, depending on what is needed in a particular case.

When Are Parenting Coordinators Necessary?

A parenting coordinator may be necessary when:

  • Divorce mediation has not been successful or has not been deemed a viable option

  • There are complex issues concerning the child that require more attention and coordination, like if the child has special needs

  • The parents are unwilling or unable to effectively communicate regarding the welfare of their child

  • The parents need assistance modifying or complying with their parenting plan

  • There is extended litigation, especially concerning child-related matters

Contact a Schaumburg, IL Parenting Plan Attorney

At A. Traub & Associates, we are used to working with parenting coordinators and other professionals to create, modify, or clarify parenting plans. Our experienced attorneys will place your child’s best interests in focus as we guide you through your divorce, and we will be happy to connect you with an excellent parenting coordinator if necessary. Call 630-426-0196 to speak with a Schaumburg, IL parenting plan lawyer today.

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