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What Should Be Included in an Illinois Divorce Settlement?

 Posted on March 27,2018 in Divorce

Palatine divorce settlement attorneyDuring divorce, spouses will work to resolve a wide variety of legal issues through negotiation or mediation, and ideally, they will be able to resolve these issues without the need for litigation in court. At the conclusion of the divorce process, a couple’s final decisions about these issues will be set down in a marital settlement agreement which will be incorporated into their divorce decree. In Illinois, a marital settlement agreement should include the following:

  • Division of assets and debts - A settlement will specify how any marital property will be divided between spouses, including real estate property, physical possessions, automobiles, the balances of bank accounts, business interests, and retirement funds or pensions. It should also specify who will be responsible for marital debts. 
  • Parenting plan - This portion of the settlement will specify how parents will share decision-making responsibility for their children or whether one parent will have sole responsibility in certain areas. It will also detail each parent’s parenting time schedule, including where children will stay on holidays, who will provide transportation, and any other relevant details.

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Tips for Taking Care of Yourself During and After Divorce

 Posted on March 20,2018 in Divorce

Rolling Meadows divorce lawyerEnding a long-term relationship is difficult, and it is understandable to feel sorrow and anxiety during this time. During divorce and in its immediate aftermath, you may struggle to adjust to the major changes in your life. However, by practicing good self-care, you can not only survive your divorce but thrive in the next phase of your life. Here are some tips for caring for yourself during and after your divorce:

  • Focus on the positive - You are likely grieving the end of your relationship, and this can lead to negative feelings about what you have lost. However, by taking time to remember what you do have and the good things in your life, you can build a more positive attitude, put painful experiences in the past, and move on to a better future.
  • Establish a routine - It is understandable to feel adrift and unsure about the future during divorce, so following a standard daily routine can give you a sense of order in your life. This can also help avoid having too much spare time to wallow in negative emotions, which can lead to depression.

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Recognizing the Signs of Emotional Abuse in a Marriage

 Posted on March 12,2018 in Divorce

Palatine divorce lawyer emotional abuseMarriage is hard work, and it requires spouses to form a committed partnership and work together, treating each other with respect and making an effort to put their family’s best interests first. Unfortunately, there are many situations in which one spouse takes advantage of the other and commits acts of abuse designed to give them control in the relationship. While many people are aware of the signs of physical abuse, emotional abuse is often harder to recognize, but it can also be very damaging. If you are unhappy in your relationship, you may want to consider divorce if you are experiencing any of the following signs of emotional abuse:

  • Oversensitivity - Abused people are often in constant fear of upsetting their partner or feel that they need to be careful of what they say to avoid provoking anger.
  • Criticism - Emotionally abusive people will often tear down their victims in a variety of ways, including blaming them for things that are not their fault, making them feel like they cannot do anything right, making disparaging statements while claiming that they are joking, or offering backhanded compliments.

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Resolving Ownership of a Marital Home Through a Divorce Lien

 Posted on March 05,2018 in Divorce

Rolling Meadows divorce lien attorneyWhen a couple decides to end their marriage and get divorced, there are a wide variety of legal issues that must be resolved. Determining how to divide marital property is often one of the most complicated aspects of a divorce, especially when spouses own a home together

In some cases, a couple may decide to sell their home and divide the proceeds, but often, one spouse wishes to retain ownership of the home, especially when they want their children to continue living in a familiar environment and avoid having to transfer to a new school district. If a spouse does not have the financial resources to purchase their former partner’s share of the home, they may want to consider a divorce lien.

Understanding Divorce Liens

When couples utilize a divorce lien, the spouse who will not be living in the house signs a deed conveying the title to the property to the other spouse. The spouse who remains in the house will sign a payable note and a deed of trust to their former partner. This note is known as a divorce lien. The note will specify how the spouse remaining in the home will repay the other spouse. Payment could be made in a lump sum at a future date or through an ongoing installment plan.

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Helping Your Adult Children Cope With Your Divorce

 Posted on February 22,2018 in Divorce

Arlington Heights divorce lawyer adult childrenWhen parents of minor children decide to divorce, they will often put a great deal of thought into how the end of their marriage will affect their children and do everything they can to ease children’s transition into a new situation in which they live in two separate households. However, parents should realize that their divorce can also make a big difference in the lives of their adult children. Even though parental responsibility, parenting time, and child support may not be an issue for parents of children who have moved out of their childhood home and begun to support themselves, it is still important to understand how divorce affects adult children.

Protecting Adult Children of Divorce

After their parents’ divorce, adults are often reluctant to make commitments in their own relationships, or they may stay in a bad relationship in hopes that they can avoid repeating their parents’ mistakes. If you are the parent of adult children, you can help them deal with your divorce by following these tips:

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Changes to Illinois’ Spousal Maintenance Laws in 2018

 Posted on February 16,2018 in Divorce

Barrington alimony lawyerWhen a married couple dissolves their marriage through divorce, they should both be able to continue living at a standard that is similar to what they enjoyed while they were married. Unfortunately, some spouses do not have the financial resources that will allow them to do so, perhaps because they earn less than their former partner, because their family obligations prevent them from working a full-time job, or because they passed up job opportunities during their marriage while supporting their spouse’s career advancement. 

In cases when a spouse is at a financial disadvantage following divorce, they may be able to receive spousal maintenance (also known as alimony) from their former spouse, especially if they made sacrifices to their own earning ability during their marriage or contributed to the education and training that allowed their former partner to increase the income they earn. However, divorcing spouses should be sure they understand recent changes to the law that affect spousal maintenance awards.

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Surviving Valentine’s Day After Divorce

 Posted on February 12,2018 in Divorce

Barrington divorce attorney Valentine's DayAfter the end of a long-term relationship, you are likely ready to move on with your life and leave the emotional pain of your breakup behind. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to do during the days and weeks surrounding February 14th. As a holiday dedicated to love and relationships, Valentine’s Day can seem inescapable, with the products on store shelves, radio and TV advertisements, and other people’s plans for romantic celebrations all serving as reminders of your newly-single status.

If you have been recently divorced or are in the midst of the divorce process, Valentine’s Day does not have to be a negative time of the year. Here are some strategies for surviving the holiday during and after divorce:

  • Spend time with friends - Getting together with other single people you know is a great way to have fun on Valentine’s Day, whether you are going out for dinner and drinks or having a party at your home.

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7 Tips for Successful Co-Parenting During and After Divorce

 Posted on February 02,2018 in Divorce

Palatine divorce parenting attorneyWhen a couple’s relationship breaks down and they decide to end their marriage, they are likely to experience a number of strong emotions which may make it difficult to remain civil with one another. However, when spouses have children together, they should remember that divorce is not the end of their relationship, since they will both be parents of their children for the rest of their lives. By taking steps to establish a good foundation for co-parenting during divorce, they will be able to provide a good environment for their children for years to come. Here are some helpful tips for working together with your ex to co-parent your children:

  1. Maintain consistency between both homes - Even if your style of parenting is different from your ex-spouse, it is best for children if their parents are on the same page about issues such as rules for behavior, school expectations, and methods of discipline. Work together with your ex-spouse to find parenting strategies you can agree on.

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Why a Skilled Attorney is Important During Divorce

 Posted on January 31,2018 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce lawyer, skilled attorney, amicable divorce, divorce lawyer, divorce processWhen you are facing a divorce, you are likely overwhelmed with the changes you are experiencing in your life and uncertainty about your future. Since finances are a major concern during this time, you may wonder if you can save money by representing yourself in your divorce case. However, even in an amicable divorce, it is essential to have an attorney on your side. Consider the following six reasons why you need a divorce lawyer:

  1. Providing legal representation - One attorney cannot represent both spouses, so if your spouse has already hired an attorney, he or she will not be looking out for your interests. Moreover, you will be at a disadvantage, even if you and your spouse are in agreement on most of the issues which need to be resolved. With your own attorney on your side, you can be sure that your rights and interests will be protected throughout the divorce process.

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Completing the Divorce Process Effectively

 Posted on January 26,2018 in Divorce

divorce process, Schaumburg divorce lawyers, divorce expectations, divorce and communication, divorce and financesThe major life changes that accompany the end of a marriage can be overwhelming, even in the most amicable breakups. Whether you have made the mutual decision to move on from a relationship that is no longer working or have been unexpectedly served with divorce papers, you are likely not fully prepared for the upheaval that divorce will bring to your life. But while divorce can be stressful and full of complicated emotions, you can complete the process more efficiently and effectively by taking the following steps:

  1. Manage your expectations - Your divorce will require some major changes to nearly every aspect of your life, from your finances, to your living situation, to your relationship with family and friends. When you are realistic about what you expect your post-divorce life to look like, you can then set goals for what you want to accomplish and work toward them throughout the divorce process.

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